Pattison, Frank Ambler (1867-

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Maxim AdO

Frank Ambler Pattison (A'91, M'91 , F Ί3 ) consulting engineer and retired member of the firm, Pattison Brothers, New York, N. Y., died September 18, 1946. Mr. Pattison, who was born in New York, December 10, 1867, was graduated from Rutgers College in 1887 with the degree of bachelor of arts. He received the degree of master of arts in 1890. Before entering college he spent some time experimenting at the Edison works in Menlo Park, N. J. After brief employment with the Edison Electric Company of New York and the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New Orleans, La., he opened his own consulting office in New York. In 1891 he and his brother founded the firm of Pattison Brothers which was continued until Mr. Pattison retired in 1937. The firm planned the electrical, mechanical, heating, and ventilating systems for many well-known buildings in New York, among them museums, hotels, the stock exchange, banks, insurance companies, newspapers, and private residences. The firm also worked on the stock exchange in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and insurance company buildings in Boston, Cleveland,. Newark, Providence, and Springfield, Mass. Mr. Pattison had served on the AIEE committee on safety codes. In 1916 he was a delegate to the Progressive National Convention and in 1924 was a member of the committee which supported Senator Robert M. LaFollette, Sr., for President. He was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Engineers Club of New York.


His picture is in the special to THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 19, 1946

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