Village of Cedarville Jane Addams Day Resolution, August 2, 1915



Cedarville, Illinois,
August 2nd., 1915.
Council Room 9-30 P.M.

RESOLVED that we, the representatives of the people of this community are not insensible to the great worth and nobility of character which prompted Miss Jane Addams to devote her life and talents to the cause of humanity and we feel just pride in her great achievements, not the least of which was the establishment of Hull House Settlement, and we feel that the courage shown by Miss Addams in her recent visit to the [warring] nations in Europe in the interests of peace, and the wise judgment manifest in all of her public utterances during that peculiarly delicate mission places her in the front rank of the great women of the world.

Therefore be it resolved, as a lasting tribute of esteem to this remarkable lady, who was born in Cedarville and still claims this her home, that one day of each year between August 15th and September 15th be set apart (with her permission) as Jane Addams Day, to be observed in a fitting manner as Home Coming Day for former residents and friends of this community, and that Wm. F. Bear, Village Clerk, be hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Miss Addams, asking her to allow this order to stand and to fix a day at her convenience when she can be present and tell us about her recent travels abroad.

John Bollman [signed] President.

Wm. F. Bear [signed]
Village Clerk.

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