Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, July 1901


Dear Miss Kelley

The wedding was very charming and [although] the boys missed the ceremony they arrived in time for the refreshments. We are enjoying the two very much and Margaret is certainly delightful to all the world save to John, but I think I see an opening to do something there.

Prof Ely has been here for three weeks and talked to me daily about the book would rather the Education [page 2] chapter was not published beforehand, so if the North Am. don't want the article perhaps it would be better to try nothing else. At all events please take out two pages of Griggs and something of the miracle plays that I don't like much better. If the N. Am. should accept let me know and I can tell them what pages to omit from my duplicate copy. You have been awfully good about it all.

Always yours

Jane Addams