April 26th, 1915.
Dear Miss Addams,
I am very sorry that the arrangement for the English party to visit the Conference at The Hague has been upset. Mrs. Unwin was hoping to go over. I do not know how soon the service of steamers between England and Holland may be restored, but I very much hope that it may be possible for you and others to come to England after the Conference.
There are one or two groups here who are studying the question of international relations, with a view to putting forward in due course some proposals for some form of International Union, and it would be very helpful if we had an opportunity of discussing the matter with you and others from America.
A question which will be of great importance in any such [Union] <discussion> is as to how far America would be willing to become a party to such a Union, and what degree of responsibility America would be willing, with the others, to undertake.
In the formation of such a Union we shall apparently be faced with a choice of having a few nations rather closely allied and with a strong guarantee of mutual [defense], or of having a much larger number of nations perhaps somewhat less closely allied and possibly assuming less responsibility for mutual [defense]. [page 2]
I am inclined to think that some well thought out scheme for such a Union may in the end prove to be the determining factor in bringing about a cessation of the present struggle. Apart from some such guarantee for future peaceful relations, it is difficult to see how the struggle can be brought to an end without such an overwhelming victory on one side as will secure peace by that method, at any rate for some time.
Hoping that we may see you here,
Yours sincerely,
Raymond Unwin [signed]