Alice Peloubet Norton to Cora M. Davis, April 22, 1915

Cora M. Davis, Supreme Chief
Pythian Sisters,
Union, Oregon

April 22, 1915

My dear Mrs. Davis:

Your letter to Miss Addams has been passed to this office from Hull House. Miss Addams left Chicago on April 11th to go to the International Congress of Women at the Hague. May I for her thank you for your suggestions and say that within a few days we are planning to send from the Woman's Peace Party a letter to the members of your organization. We are most grateful for your expression of their cooperation.

In regard to the relation of the National Peace Federation to the International Peace Conference, Mr. Lochner, secretary of the Chicago Peace Conference held in February has gone to Holland with the delegation to the Congress and is hoping to arrange a definite relation between the International Peace conference and our movement. One of the great missions of the delegation to the Hague Congress of Women is to accomplish the forming of a similar relationship between our national body and international associations.

Sincerely yours,

Acting Ex. Sec'y.

Cora M. Davis, Supreme Chief
Pythian Sisters,
Union, Oregon