Dear Miss Addams:
You may not have time or inclination to go over all of this. But I rather hope you can.
I think Nashville has behaved the worst. I think I could not vote to go there. But as you see from the questions in my letter to Mrs. [McCormick], it is possible that her intention was also to rail-road it then she referred it to the leagues. Her answers may clear this up.
If they do, ought we to "rebuke" Nashville "with a fence-rail" and go to Chattanooga? Or ought we just to go to another state. That would of course alienate Tennessee leagues from the National. But another consideration is that it has little chance of getting the suffrage in the near future: I should think we could find a state where we would help more.
I hope to be able to telegraph you less wobbly advice by Tuesday, but I certainly am not keen on taking the whole responsibility.
Cordially yours,