Charles Love Logan to Jane Addams, March 31, 1915


Chicago, Ill., March 31, 1915.

Miss Jane [Addams],
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam: --

Knowing you to be a strong advocate of Peace I take the liberty of sending you a copy of a Universal Peace Plan which I sent to Daniel Kiefer, Chairman Fels Fund Commission, Cincinnati, on last October with a request that he put it before the strong men of the organization for their criticism. Quite a number responded; most of them favored the plan. The two principal objectors were Herbert Quick and Robert Baker. Copies of their letters and my reply to same are enclosed herewith. If there is any point you wish elaborated please advise.

Yours very truly,

C. L. Logan [signed]
57 East Jackson Blvd
Phone Wabash 8057