To the editor [of] the N.Y. Times.
May I reply to Mrs Harpers to Mrs Harpers letter of Aug. 22th that Col. Roosevelts address, published by <order of> the U.S Senate was written before he came to Chicago and that the night of <at that at [illegible] with> Judge Lindsey and [illegible] <[illegible words] suffragists> he [omitted] the [illegible] <slate> to which Mrs. Harper objects [illegible words] <and gave instructions to the press agents and newspapers that the [illegible] should be eliminated> and to which all of us His spoken address was most unequivocally in favor of woman suffrage but after all neither the printed or spoken words of the candidate are as important as the platform to which the Col. Roosevelt and the entire convention has pledged and [illegible] <[illegible]> Mrs Harper does not quote in the letter <and> it is on this that [illegible words] <the campaign must be made>.
and the "Senate document" therefore was not revised & certified but the first draft.
[written upside down] Challenges that humanity