Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, March 2, 1915


March 2, 1915

Dear Lady: --

We are very much flattered that you are using our songs and are sending you six more copies.

I have a strange itinerary for the next two weeks. I will enclose a copy. I should arrive in New York from [Pittsburgh] at eight minutes past eight on the Pennsylvania on Friday the fifth.

As I have to speak for Mr. Ely at eleven o'clock, I think it would be better for me to go to the Belmont and be there for the day, as I leave for Yale in the afternoon.

I get back from New Haven Saturday morning and have appointments with Mrs. Glendower Evans and Miss Leckie between ten and eleven o'clock. I then go on to Philadelphia to deliver an address at eight in the evening so that there would be no chance of a visit with you then.

On Sunday morning I speak at Dr. Wise's synagogue, leaving early to get to Smith in time to deliver an address at a quarter to five. After that I shall be at [page 2] the Belmont with Mrs. Bowen so there doesn't seem to be much chance of being able to accept your kind invitation to come to the Settlement, but I shall hope to see you in between times.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

<This is all Peace speaking mostly for the Carnegie Foundation!>

Miss [Lillian] Wald
New York, N.Y.