My Dear Miss Addams:
In compliance with your request, am enclosing here-with my song lyric,
If you find same available to use as A Peace Army National song, I shall be glad to contribute the poem for this purpose.
I would want the proper credit as composer, and would not want any changes made in my composition, unless it was for the purpose of [page 2] correcting some error.
In case you decide to use the song I will waive all financial <interest> in the matter providing, the profits from same are used exclusively to further the cause of establishing Peace throughout the world.
My heart aches for the mothers, wives, sisters and sweet-hearts, whose lives are ruined, by the awful curse of war.
I am mailing you under separate cover a copy of my new song,
If you use my song poem as a National Peace Army song, I would ask, as a favor that one page of this "Rose Song" be published on some part of the inside cover of your song, as this would help me advertise my song and would not depreciate in any way, the value of yours. [page 3] I have an invalid husband and the care of a mother 87 years old. Own no property except our humble home -- hence, I would appreciate this favor to advertise my song. "Give Me Roses [etc]" in connection with the publication of the Peace Army Song.
No I doubt I could secure very favorable terms for the publication of your song, if you decide to use it, or, perhaps you can secure a Music Publisher in Chicago, on favorable terms.
God bless, The Peace Army.
Yours in the interest of humanity
Mrs. Ida A. Long.