Miss Jane Addams, on a Recent Trip, Finds Southern Factories Full of Them.
New York Sun Special Service.
Chicago, Jan. 14. -- Following the dinner of the Chicago Lawyer's league, given last evening at the Chicago Business Women's club, Miss Jane Addams gave an account of her recent trip through the south in the interests of child labor.
"The factories of the south are filled with children, a great many of whom are not over 10 years old, and hundreds who are less than 14," said Miss Addams, "and in some of the factories that I visited I found children of 5 years old operating looms. Many of these children, by reason of being made to work so hard before they have sufficient physical strength to endure it become victims of a peculiar disease, similar to dropsy.
"The effect of child labor in the south has been to materially change the unusual social and economic conditions. In many instances the child is the bread winner, and the hardest work that the father of a family does is to carry the children their lunches at noon."