Oct. 27, 1913
My dear Miss Addams:
Enclosed I am sending you copy of the endorsement form in relation to the renewal of endorsement for Hull House for the next period commencing Nov. 1st 1913.
We have all the other data necessary for our Committee and would be very grateful if you will kindly send us this form filled out and signed by return mail if possible.
You will recall some considerable time ago our conversation about stating in our handbook the Expenditures for Hull House excluding the returns from the Coffee House. Mr. Kuhns of the Safeguard Account Company kindly permitted us to copy the figures and with your approval we shall regard the following statement of figures copied from Mr. [Kuhns'] audit as correct for Income and Expenses of Hull House proper apart from the Coffee House:
If this is satisfactory will you kindly advise us by return mail.
Yours very truly,