Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, October 18, 1912


NEW YORK, Oct. 18th, 1912.

Dear Madam:

In accordance with a resolution passed at the first conference of women representatives of the Eastern Division of the Progressive Party held in New York City on October 11th, the enclosed permanent plan of organization for National work was approved.

You are requested to send suggestions and express your opinion upon the following, as well as upon any other phases of this plan:

Do your state women favor such a permanent organization?

Are they willing to serve on the Bureau staffs?

Will they avail themselves of this central clearing house organization?

Are they willing to hold state meetings to discuss the organization and budget and is the proposed finance method satisfactory?

Shall the membership of these committees be exclusively women, or shall such committees as immigration, legislation, etc. have men represented when they are willing to serve?

Please discuss this matter with the women working with you and send your suggestions before the close of the campaign.

Very truly yours,

Frances A Kellor [signed] 
National Committeeman.


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