Caroline Miles Hill to Jane Addams, April 11, 1911

Friends Academy
Bloomingdale Indiana

Dear Miss Addams: --

Our trustees held a very blue meeting last evening and agreed to write Mrs. Blaine an endorsement for our work here and see if that would help the cause.

I am enclosing you a poor picture of the students and part of the faculty, and hope you will pass it on to Mrs. Blaine with your words of encouragement. It is a case of giving up all that has been accomplished this year if we cannot get more room, and we cannot print our catalogue until we know our fate.

Thanking you so much for your assistance

Sincerely yours -- Caroline M. Hill

April 11. 1911.

[page 2] [image Bloomingdale Academy Bloomingdale]

[illegible] of the teachers are in the group <at the left> back of the principal. Taken in winter quarter. 1911.

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