Jane Addams to Carrie Chapman Catt, January 14, 1924


January 14, 1924

My dear Mrs. Catt:

I am very much interested of course, in your letter, and while I agree with what you say, I still feel that it is the inevitable fate of a reform movement to attach what is so often called a "lunatic fringe." Both the Suffrage and the Peace Movement have had this experience; perhaps no one more so than the early Abolitionists. It is part of the situation and the movements must go on in spite of it.

I have been requested also by the Women's Trade Union League to represent them as a delegate and have of course, declined that as well. I hope it is not a mistake and anything which simplifies the situation may make the meeting easier for you.

With all good wishes for the success of the Conference, I am,

Faithfully yours,