Bhimrao R. Ambedkar
15th Dec. 1931
International House
500 Riverside Drive
New York.
My dear Miss [Addams],
Allow me as a representative of sixty millions of downtrodden untouchables of India as well as for myself to express my most earnest hope that you will have a full and speedy recovery from your distressful illness. Your life of devotion to the submerged of the world has been the inspiration and encouragement to us all even in darkest India. I devotedly hope that your recovery will come within the limits of my short stay in America to permit me to present my humble respects to you in person.
Sincerely yours
B. R. Ambedkar
Scott Stroud
For more context on this letter and Bhimrao Ambedkar, please see:
"What B.R. Ambedkar wrote to Jane Addams"