Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs to Jane Addams, February 27, 1925


Febr. 27th 1925.

My dear Miss Addams, You will probably be astonished to hear that I am coming to U.S.A. soon again. I am one of the Dutch Delegates of Holland and one of the delegates who will represent the Intern. Alliance for W. S. at the Washington Council Congress in May and I am a speaker at the Intern. Congress of Birth Control in New-York, which will take place on March 25-31.

I leave Southampton on the "Arabic" of the White Star Line on March 17 and hope to reach New-York about March 23.

Perhaps you will come to New-York in March or April and give me an opportunity to meet you.

My health is much better then last year, so that I feel I can do more than I did a year ago. [page 2]

With very kind greetings to the whole Hull House family, whom I all have in very kind remembrance, and with love for you,


Aletta H. Jacobs.

AFZENDER: 46 van [Aerssenstraat] der Haag.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House

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