Statement on Peace, May 1, 1924


Jane Addams Sees Peace Dawn Near

Reason Supplanting Force in Dawes Program.

WASHINGTON May 1. -- (Copyright 1924, by United News.) -- Jane Addams of Hull House, with the ardor of her youth still persisting after years of futile struggle for peace, is back again in Washington for the convention of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom with a vision of a better world in the offing.

"The prospect for world peace," she said, "is better right now than it ever has been since the armistice. There is a profound, deep-rooted movement among all the people's of the earth toward international peace, and I look for a real settlement soon."

"The report of Mr. Dawes and his committee is a decided step in the right direction," she said. "The significant outcome of the conferences to me is the fact that the embattled nations of Europe were able to get together and talk this trying situation over. I believe it indicates a willingness to resort to reason instead of force."

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