Jane Addams to Esther Margaret Linn Hulbert, March 19, 1923

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KANDY, March 19" 1923

My dear Esther

I was very grateful for your long letter which reached me in Calcutta, and of course will be anxious to know how your new plans are coming on.

Of course I will want to take care of Eri for two years somewhere of further education. If he is really thinking of journalism a course in English at the U. of C. would be the best thing I suppose [although] it may be too early for him to decide without more preliminary education in general. [page 2]

We leave Ceylon on March 27" and go on to Hong Kong and from there gradually into China and Japan. We are both very well and have found India & Ceylon most interesting. We will be back August or Sept at the latest. I have had several letters from Mary Linn and [been] quite anxious about Jane who is happily better now, give my love to Weber when you see him. I hope they will all be reunited early in the summer.

Mary Smith sends her love to the entire family as does your devoted Aunt Jane.

P. S. I think Miss [McManus] will be able to send a chart for the mortgage interest in [July?] -- [illegible] [to my love?] -- [illegible] in the [winter].