Metropolitan Building, New York City,
Dear Sir:
You have been recommended for membership in this Association, and it is our pleasure to invite you to enjoy with us the benefits of the organization.
The two fold object of our Association is scientific legislation enforced by wide-awake public opinion. Through our national and state conferences, through our department in the [several illegible words], and through our various publications we endevour to present the facts which will provide the way for intelligent [cooperation]. Our offices have been moved from Madison, Wisconsin, to New York City, in order that our members may have every available facility for securing reliable and prompt services.
The minimum annual fee in our Association is still kept unusually low (it does not even cover the cost of printing), in order that any one interested in social research and labor legislation may receive our literature and enjoy the advantages of membership. In return for the minimum fee of one dollar, you will receive the annual report (retailed at $1) and many leaflets, pamphlets and monographs of special interest. It is expected, however, that an increasing number of our members will appreciate the importance of generous contributions.
If you are at all interested in the growing prominence of such subjects as Industrial Education, Workmen's Compensation for Industrial Accidents, Employers' Liability, Woman's Work, Child Labor, Unemployment, and Industrial Hygiene, we venture to urge you fill out the enclosed application blank at once and mail it in the enclosed envelope.
Sincerely yours,
John B. Andrews, Secretary
For the Membership Committee