January 26, 1925.
My dear Miss Addams:
At the request of Mr. Kennedy, I am submitting to you the names of four persons, two of whom are willing to serve on a committee to help raise the money for the purpose of completing the fund in honor of Canon Barnett.
I have approached two of the four about serving on the committee and I have the consent of these two to serve. They are Miss Martha Carey and Mr. W. H. Coleman. The four names are Miss Martha Carey, 1150 North Meridan, residence; Mr. W. H. Coleman, 1006 North Meridan, residence, 216 North Merdian, business address; Mr. L. [C.] Huesmann, 3148 North Pennsylvania St., residence, Central Supply Co., 210 South Capitol, Business address; Mr. Kiefer Mayer, 4226 North Illinois St., residence, Kiefer-Stewart Drug Co., Georgia & Capitol Streets, Business address.
Miss Martha Carey is extremely interested in settlements, and has followed them very closely. She has attended the National Settlement Conference with me two or three times and, for a Board member, is quite familiar with settlement work.
Mr. W. H. Coleman, is a man of wide business interests. He, until recently has not been interested in any social or [philanthropic] work. He is very wealthy and has given quite generously to us recently. He is a very peculiar person and quite difficult to approach.
Mr. Kiefer Mayer, is quite a young business man with an extremely promising future. He is just becoming interested in social work, and is one of our Board members.
Mr. Huesmann is connected with everything that is worth while in Indianapolis. He is an elderly man and has been [page 2] a member of our Board for many years. He has a very charming personality but is quite determined when he makes up his mind.
I hope this is the information you want.
Very truly yours,