Shailer Mathews to Jane Addams, December 13, 1909

The University of Chicago
The Divinity School

Chicago, December 13, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have just read your "Spirit of Youth and the City Streets", and I want to thank you for it.  I got a chance to "rub" in some of it in an address at Louisville at a meeting under the auspices of the Social Commission of the Executive Committee of the Federal Council of the Churches of North America.  My address was not as long as that title, I am thankful to say.

I know that you are assisting people to think in this connection, and I wish it were possible for me in some way to be of help to you in your campaign. 

With kind regards.

Yours very truly,

Shailer Mathews [signed]

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