My dear Miss Balch:
Your item of expenditures did not include the Summer School, did it? I sent a copy of the account to Mrs. Post. We extended $4.248.24 which included $150.00 for the stenographic report which will be sent to Washington when finished and [$250.00?] which I sent to Mrs. Post as half of the first payment on the report, [to be made] June 12. The Committee has authorized another [$250.00?] to be sent July 2, half of the second payment [and] I think the account in Washington ought also to give $500.00.
According to Miss [Surles], there was left May 27 in the bank and on hand $1073.81. If the two funds between them pay $1000 on the report, I will see what I can do towards raising the balance, about $700.00 it will be, will it not?
I think anything [more] which comes in on the $50,000 fund should be allocated to the United States section but I think we ought to have five hundred dollars out of the six on the report, as it was money sent in on the general appeal.
I am very eager to get Miss Surles' final account and will send to her a copy of the Summer School account, asking her to make the final sum show not only the money passing through the Bank in Washington, but all the receipts and expenditures.
Hastily yours,
Jane Addams [signed]