Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, December 1, 1924


Dec 1st 1924


Dearest Emily Balch

Your check for $300.00 came this morning after I had sent $225.00 to Fr. Heymann -- $125 from Mrs Post's fund and $100 from J. A. I am sending back your check for the following reasons:

I had already written her asking ↑her↓ to abridge the ↑German edition↓ regarding the English version official as voted by the Congress.

I also wrote Mde Duchêne asking her if she wished $200.00 for an abridged French version. If she does, let me put in 50.00 & you $150.00 and then we will each have given an equal amount to finish up the entire report affair -- how strange it has all been -- no one has what she wants after all! but such is life. [page 2] 

I am [enclosing] ↑a note↓ both to you & Mrs Hull about Dorothy Detzer [that] I am sending to her. I was so relieved to have your letter about the [intentions?].

Wouldn't it be wonderful if your tonsils proved to be the real difficulty -- I am most eager for the [result].

Please give my love and sympathy to your sisters -- especially you sister [Bibbi], and believe me Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

Will you kindly return these two [enclosed] sheets of paper, putting your corrections on the blue one? Do you think a good thing to divide the list, I want to order some new paper at once.