Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, May 18, 1911


Chicago, May 18, 1911.

To the Ward Members of the
Woman's City Club.

Dear Mrs. Blaine:

The Administration Committee of the Child Welfare Exhibit has decided to make Monday Evening, May 22nd, a special view night for the officials of Chicago, when the doors will be closed to the general public.

The Woman's City Club has undertaken to assist by asking the members in the various wards to write personal notes to their alderman, calling their attention to The Child Welfare Exhibit and urging them to attend.

It is earnestly desired that The Child Welfare Exhibit shall have an influence directly on the city government, resulting in a more and better public care of children, and your cooperation is earnestly solicited in securing the presence of the city aldermen on this official night.

Thanking you for any assistance you may render in this matter,

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]
Anna Nicholes,
Supt. Woman's City Club.

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