Alice Thacher Post to Vilma Glücklich, December 3, 1924


↑Carbon for Miss Addams from A. T. Post↓

December 3, 1924.

Dear Miss Glücklich:

We are so glad to learn that there is to be a German Edition of the Congress Report. About ten days ago I sent the plates for the illustrations to Frl. Heymann. I hope they will reach her properly. I write her to send them to Mme. Jouve when she was through with them, if there is to be a French Edition. If not, they are to go to you for whatever use you can make of them from time to time.

Since there is to be a German Edition the German-speaking Sections are not likely to need any more of the English Edition. And there are not many French-speaking Sections. So Miss Addams has authorized me to send you 135 more copies of the English Edition. From these please supply any extra copies needed by the French-speaking Sections, if there is not ↑a↓ French Edition. These Sections are chiefly France, Belgium and Italy, I suppose. I mailed the 135 copies in 27 packages two days ago. Please let me know if they reach you safely.

I am enclosing an informal statement in regard to the Distribution of the English Edition of the Report. Miss Addams and Miss Balch decided on the numbers to be sent to the different countries. Of course where they were likely to prefer the German or the French Edition of the Report we did not send many of the English Edition.

In some cases where we sent to an individual person representing a Group (not a Section) you may wonder why we did not send to a person whose name you had sent us -- as Mrs. Olive Lindsay Wakefield, of China, for example. But we had already sent to Mrs. Wakefield as a Fraternal Delegate. And so in some other cases.

Your Bulletins are very fine, and always interesting.

Cordially and faithfully yours,

Christmas greetings to you and all the household of the Maison Internationale.