February 8, 1924.
My dear Miss Addams:
After the long quiescence of this Committee during the Secretary's extended visit in the Far East, I take pleasure in letting you know that the National Committee on American Japanese Relations has come to life again!
I have the honor to enclose several documents:
1. Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee held on Saturday, February 2, 1924.
2. A Resolution bearing on the "Gentlemen's Agreement."
3. A copy of the Chairman's letter to all members of Congress.
4. The revised statement of our "Program."
The Executive Committee authorized the printing of two new pamphlets, one entitled "New Factors in American Japanese Relations," the other "Japanese in Hawaii," and as soon as they are ready copies will be mailed to you.
May I suggest that a personal letter from you to members of the Senate and House of Representatives, calling attention to the fact that the new immigration bill (H.R. 6540) abrogates the "Gentlemen's Agreement" and the Treaty in a manner that is repugnant to good international manners, would be most helpful?
I trust the revised statement of our "Program" meets with your hearty approval.
Faithfully yours,