Chicago, Illinois
January Sixth 1925
Dear Miss Addams: --
It sometimes seems to me that we in Chicago sort of take for granted any thing and every thing you do for us. We love to have you do it, love to watch you do it and just accept it, however I will say that we do feel a great deal of pride, in the fine, splendid, big way you do things.
The management of the Anniversaries meetings was another example of the beautiful, able way you carry a plan through and I want to thank you ↑for↓ this splendid thing that you have done for the Court, [page 2] the Institute and the community.
Personally, I think it so fine a Conference as I ever attended.
I do hope the strain of the work has not tired you very much.
Didn't we have a lovely, happy day Sunday at Hull-House!! It reminded ↑me↓ of the grown-up children's party at the home of Mrs. Blaine at the close of the "Child Welfare Exhibit." Each was such a fitting, happy close to a great, serious thing that had meant much work and thought. Judges Cabot and Hulbert and Kelly were so enthusiastic in expressing how deeply they enjoyed meeting you in your own home.
With very much love for you always sincerely,
Mary Bartelme