Amy Woods to Jane Addams, September 27, 1924


Please return carbon with answers

September 27, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 So. Halsted St,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Hull asks me to arrange with you for the Board Meeting between November 14th and 24th, at the most convenient time for you. If possible the first week end would be better for Mrs. Hull, that is I presume November 14-15-16. [illegible] However, if the 20th and 21st is the better arrangement for you, please let me know so that I may send out the notices at once and insure a large attendance of the Board members.

At Miss Balch's suggestion I cabled Geneva today suggesting that Dr. Hamilton represent us at the meeting of the Committee against Chemical Warfare and wrote Mrs. Thomas that this was done at Mrs. Balch's suggestion.

I am enclosing the Johnson and the [Kirchhoff] pamphlets. Will you please authorize me to send the following or to make sure such changes as you wish.

No. of copies To
5 Branches in the U.S.
5 Each member of International Board
5 National Sections
100 or more  International Headquarters
1 Associate members in the U.S. (800)
200 Organizations, churches, editors et al.

Total number printed

10,000 Johnson -- 6,000 already sold

10,000 [Kirchhoff ] -- 1,000 [already sold]

Do you recommended sending out "Grave Consequences" by Frederick Starr, rather than asking David Starr Jordan to write a special pamphlet for our series. [page 2]

I am enclosing minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting. So far we have not been able to obtain a chairman of the Finance Committee and we are undertaking from this office to get 200 women to pledge $100.00 each in accordance with Mrs. Taussig's suggestion. Will you suggest anyone whom you have not recently called on for International aid?

Miss Balch is in Washington and is better but not strong yet. She hopes to come to the office the first of October.

My plans are progressing toward going to South America.


National Secretary.