December 31, 1924
My dear Miss Clark:
I thank you very much for your kind letter of the 13th of December, and wish to tell you how grateful I am for your action in the matter. I quite agree it was the best possible under the circumstances. I did not realize the cable had been sent to Rome, and believe on the whole it would be best for me to drop the matter unless an opportunity opens in some way to explain the situation.
Thank you very much for sending me the statement of the British Section. May I have a half-dozen copies of the Monthly News Sheet of December which contains the statement as well as your article on the Exchange of Populations which interested me very much. I have sent my copy on to Professor Manley Hudson, of the League of Nations. He took breakfast the other morning with me and was much interested in the situation as you describe it. I hope very much Miss Courtney is better.
With every possible good wish for the New Year to both you and to her, I am,
Faithfully yours,