Lida Gustava Heymann to Jane Addams, December 15, 1924


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6, rue du Vieux-Collège

Munich, December 15, 1924
Kaulbachstrasse 12 Gth.

Dear [Jane] Addams!

Thank you very much for your letters of November 28 and December 1 with the deposit of 225 dollars. It is all too easy to understand that America cannot zu pay the full amount. We will simply shorten the report, that works excellently, just leave out the things that seem least important to us. Once again, thank you very much.

I have taken note of the letter to Vilma Glücklich.

May I ask you to read the 2 enclosed letters. As you will see I am convinced that we in Europe can no longer accept that America takes exclusive responsibility for the expenses of the Geneva office. I have done what I could to deal with this. Fixed sums have so far only been promised to me by Germany and England, 4000 Frcs. from each, and by the little Denmark, 2000 Frcs., i.e. by the next General Assembly in 1926. [page 2]

We certainly do not want to forget that money matters in Europe are extraordinarily difficult and that our members certainly do not belong to the vermöglichen <wealthy> people, yet I hold the view that we all have to do more than has been done so far.

Forgive me for writing in German, but I am in a hurry today and my young assistant who writes on the typewriter does not know English.

Anita Augspurg and I hope you are in good health. We send you kind regards.

Lida Gustava Heymann. [signed]