January 15, 1924
My dear Miss Woods:
I am sending on these scraps of information and also a letter from Mrs. Fuldheim. I wrote to her that I should be glad to send her $[150.00] to Milwaukee or to give it to her if she cared to stop. I gave her all the material I had to read when she was here before. Of course I never met either Mrs. Fuldheim or Mrs. Trimble until that day at the meeting and I am not sure but we were a little rash in engaging them. However, they will probably bring in a new type of person and we certainly need all kinds. I have asked her, of course, to report to you as I am very anxious to have everything managed from your office. I will try, of course, to get my $10,000 on my own as it were. I have secured the promise of $4000 and I hope to have $5000 ready to bring over the European people whenever the time comes.
The Summer School of course is very tentative and I should like to add to the subjects of ↑if we can↓ the religious efforts for internationalism and humanistic or cultural. Perhaps Miss Scudder would do the latter for us.
Hastily yours,
Jane Addams [signed]