Vilma Glücklich to Margery Irene Corbett Ashby, January 16, 1925


January 16th, 1925.

Mrs. Corbett Ashby, President,
International Woman Suffrage Alliance,
11, Adam Street, Adelphi,
London, W.C.2.

Dear Mrs Corbett Ashby,

I was very glad to receive your letter of January 12th. As our League has been much interested from the beginning in the humanitarian work of the League of Nations, and has taken an active part in the establishment of a Commission to protect deported women and children in the Near East, I am sure that we are in agreement with the joint letter you are proposing to send.

I must write to Miss Addams to ask for her personal signature. In the meantime, should there be no time to wait for it, I can offer you that of our Vice-President, Mme. Gabrielle Duchêne, one of the founders of the Comité français pour le secours des enfante, and, of course, my own if you need both.

You will perhaps be interested to know that some days ago, at the monthly meeting of our Genevese group, we had a talk by one of our American members on "Woman Suffrage in its Relation to Peace."

Hoping that both you and your sister are well, I beg to send kindest regards to both of you and am

Very sincerely yours,

General Secretary.