Dear Emily Balch:
Miss Heymann seems to have written to Vilma Glücklich about sending in a report. I am sure that you can do it better than she, with the material she brought with her and your experience in the office. I think we can only put it in as so much received from Sections, so much from Associate Members, etc., and then an estimate of expenditures in salaries, etc. I think we had better do that than to bother Vilma Glücklich any further.
It doesn't seem to me fair to hold Madame Ramondt responsible. She sent $500 each month to the office in Geneva and that was all she was asked to do, in my opinion, is to give a general estimate of the three years since the last Congress was held. I should be very sorry to have no financial report in the back, especially in the light of all this talk about mysterious sources of money.
I read with great interest your reply to Mrs. Mead. I am awfully glad that you saw Mr. West. I quite agree with all you say about the people who pledge against war but I think we can still insist that for Quaker reasons and others, that is not our official position.
I am sending you some more letters which I shall be grateful if you can give a short answer to and then please file them in the office.
The Summer School has really gone quite brilliantly, the second week not quite so gaily as the first but still all right.
Always affectionately [yours]