Katherine Davis Cumberson to Jane Addams, July 11, 1923

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Lower Lake, Lake Co.
July 11, 1923.

My dear Miss Addams:

I was delighted to receive your letter of May 26th, from [Peking], China, but grieved indeed [too] to note by the papers a month later, that you had undergone an operation in Japan.

To the ordinary person the fact of passing [through] this ordeal so far from home and friends, would indeed be a great trial, but with your philosophy of life, I feel you passed [through] the operation with flying colors, and I trust are now on the way to complete recovery.

I am wondering if your illness will change your plan of sailing the 25th, inst., and am looking anxiously for your next letter.

I appreciate now that you will not want to do any public speaking, but I trust you will remain in San Francisco long enough to at least have a luncheon with our small group of women, members of the W.I.L. I feel sure you would not feel equal to anything large or public. However, should you feel so inclined, and would let me know when you reach Honolulu, I can assure you your many friends would be most happy to greet you. I have several invitations for you to speak at public [functions], but I have said to all alike, that you would do no public speaking.

I also wish that you might spend a few days or a week [page 2] with us at our summer home on Clear Lake. I could assure you complete quiet and rest in a most delightful climate. It will be time enough however, to talk about that when you arrive.

I shall go to San Francisco to meet you. I have arranged for a suite for you at the Hotel Whitcomb. You may prefer the Palace or St Francis where people would undoubtedly look for you. The Whitcomb is delightfully situated out at the Civic Center, splendid rooms and good service. We spent the winter there, and I know you would be very comfortable and have every attention as long as you desired to remain. Your suite will be complimentary. I hope this will meet with your pleasure.

Trusting that this finds you enjoying good health and with very best wishes in which Mr. Cumberson joins, I am,

Always faithfully yours,

Katherine D. Cumberson.

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