International Study Group Purpose and Program, ca. February 1924



Its Purpose and [Program] [page 2]

The International Study Group

WE set out below our purpose and our plan and invite the [cooperation] of all who believe that increased International intercourse will make for mutual understanding and world peace.


By Study and Travel combined with Lectures upon the History, Art, Literature, Social and Political development of different Countries to foster understanding and friendship between peoples.

Services Offered

Foreign Travel for 1924

A [Program] is in the hand giving opportunities for Foreign Travel coupled with study of such institutions as the League of Nations during the meeting of the Assembly: The International Labour Office, during the Annual Conference in Geneva; the development of the Irish Free State during a week in Dublin, with addresses on various phases of Irish Life and Culture, etc; and French Life, Literature, and Language in a French University Town for escorted groups of young students during the Cours de Vacances.

The [Program] also includes a week-end series of Lectures in London at Easter, on American Institutions and Affairs, and a week at the English Lakes in June, with addresses on the Literary Associations.

Details can be had on application.

The [Organizing] of Group visits abroad, Conferences, Summer Schools, etc.

The Secretary will be glad to hear from anyone interested, and to arrange interviews in London by appointment.

Assistance can be given with [programs] to meet special needs and all Travel and Hotel arrangements undertaken for Groups. [Inquiries] are invited from Societies, Clubs, Churches, etc. who would like travel facilities arranged and provision made for studying any special Institutions, or for sharing ideas with groups in other Countries. Our connections abroad give us special opportunities for [cooperating] in this way.

Assistance can also be given to individual [Travelers].

Assistance to Foreigners visiting England

Whether singly or in Groups, Foreign visitors can be put in touch with people in this Country ready to assist them to a better understanding of the different aspects of English Life according to their individual interests.

Friends are asked to make this known to connections abroad.

The Secretary will be pleased at all times to receive suggestions for increasing the usefulness of the work of the Group and to consider how assistance can be rendered in special cases.

MRS. K. E. INNES. B.A. [Organizing] Secretary
↑27↓ High Oaks Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. 

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