Jane Addams to Amy Woods, February 23, 1924



My dear Miss Woods:

Miss Breckinridge says that she will not be able to come to Washington so of course that throws her out as a speaker on the "economic aspect." I wish very much that we could invite Emily Balch. She is very popular with the European women, has taught economics for years, is [nominally] a Socialist which is all to the good and could pick up the pieces if necessary after Frau Hertzka. In addition to every thing else she has first hand knowledge of European conditions. Very much less securely I suggest [Jeannette] Rankin for the political side. After all she was the first woman in a legislative assembly who had a chance to vote on war and she voted right, so to speak, I think that she has been gone from Washington so long that there would be a good ↑deal↓ of interest in seeing her. She is living at Hull-House this winter and I have at times been quite impressed with her political acumen; ↑I have also thought of Florence ↑Kelley↓↓ but ↑all↓ of these are only suggestions but I do ↑can’t help↓ [hoping] the first one will go [through].

Hoping for the suggestions for the begging letter on Monday, I am hastily but affectionately yours

Jane Addams [signed]

Chicago -- Feb 13d 1924↓