Joseph Rowntree Gillett to Jane Addams, March 22, 1924


[Dear] Miss Addams

You may remember my brother Dr Henry T Gillett & myself staying at Hull House in the fall of 1922 -- & of our interest in the questions of the Compulsory Laws for dealing with Venereal Disease passed since he was in the United States. [page 2]

I am now writing to say that wex are negotiating with J M Dent & Sons to bring out Josephine Butler's Memoir edited by George W & Lucy A Johnson in the Everyman series.

The Everyman series circulates as you know in the United States, England, Canada & Australia.

Dr Jane Walker has consented to write an Introduction [page 3] to the book setting out the scientific & medical attitude to Mrs Butler's work & the present position with regard to it.

Would you be willing after seeing that Introduction to write a Preface, in which among other things you could point out the International importance of Josephine Butler's work.

Mr Dent informs us the edition would be not less than 10,000. He is uncertain [page 4] what circulation could be looked for in the States & England, but he felt sure your name especially & Dr Jane Walker's would very much assist the circulation.

We think to get Josephine Butler life work in a series such as Everyman is important & is probably much more easily arranged while old Mr Dent is alive -- who is strength in sympathy. [page 5] Many women in the States as well as in England and elsewhere have not seriously considered this important & difficult subject & yet who by reading the life, would not only approach the subject in [a] helpful & lofty way, but might be led to take a real interest in it. [page 6]

I am mailing you a copy of Josephine Butler's Memoir in case you have not got it by you.

Dr Jane Walker's introduction is not ready yet, but I would mail it when written. I write now to find out whether we might count on your help.

I expect Dent would require some subsidy as a guarantee [page 7] in case ↑the↓ book did not reach the required circulation, but we are prepared to meet him in this.

With very pleasant memories of our stay at Hull House

Sincerely yours

J Rowntree Gillett

[written up left margin] xThe Friends' Association