Alice Freeman Firman to Jane Addams, July 8, 1923

[Rocky] Point, [Pei Tai Ho]
No. China

July 8 -- 1923.

My dear Miss Addams,

I want [to] tell you how sorry I was to hear through Mrs. Burgess, of your rickshaw accident in Peking, and now of your illness in Japan.

I am afraid you will not think the Orient dealt fairly with you.

I have had two upsets in rickshaws and know that awful [page 2] feeling of helplessness.

I have also had eight hospital experiences three of them surgical -- so I feel especially well qualified to sympathize with you.

I hope before this reaches you, you will be well on the way to recovery.

Remember me to Miss Smith, with the hope that she keeps well. -- Sincerely yours,

Alice Freeman Firman