January 26, 1924
My dear Mrs. Hull:
Thank you so much for your several letters. I quite resent Mrs. Catt's statement that she was expelled from the W.I.L. The New York Branch which as you know at that time was rather radical under the influence of Crystal Eastman, protested when she made her offer to the government of all the women in the Suffrage Association. But I do not think she was formally expelled. At the worst it was the local and not the national nor international which acted. I wonder if that has rankled all these years! I remember explaining to her the whole situation at great length, expressing my regret and my hope that she had not been rudely treated. I do hope you will get an opportunity to remind her of the membership of five of the women speakers.
↑Hastily but↓ Always devotedly yours,
Jane Addams [signed]