Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, July 7, 1922


July 7th, 1922

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

I had a talk with Mr. Winstead this morning and he will be very glad to [cooperate] with the writer of the article. I was very favorably impressed and feel that he will be of real assistance. We mentioned the matter of the Kangaroo Courts and he has agreed to prepare several articles which he will submit to you in the near future.

Mr. Sikes will return to the city Monday and I have asked Mr. Hooker and Mr. Byron to take up the matter of the article with him. In the last event, Mr. Hooker will undertake it but he feels that Mr. Sikes is better qualified.

I am leaving for Maine [tomorrow] but Mr. Byron knows my suggestions for whoever does the writing and will pass them on. You remember he was the person whom Mr. Douglas wished to have make the investigation so you see I am not leaving the [page 2] matter unattended to. I am very sorry to leave the city without knowing definitely who will be selected but Mr. Hooker and Mr. Byron will see that he interviews at least: --

Senator Dailey

Donald Richberg

Miss Vittum

Mr. Winstead

Mr. Rosenthal

Mr. Sikes.

You of course know that my summer address is Hull's Cove, Maine.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]