Bethel Maine
Dear Sister Clara
I have thought of you many times during the hours I have been pegging away on The Twenty Years. It is really coming out much better and I am awfully sorry that it must go to Macmillan before you have a chance to see the improvement in the ungainly child.
Alice wrote that your mother has been ill but I did not realize until Miss Ford's [page 2] letter came this morning that it had been prolonged. Please give the dear lady my love and tell how sorry I am. You must have thought me a brute [through] my long silence. I have had a real writer's cramp for one thing after a morning of fussing and [illegible] and of ↑for↓ another I imagined you long ago back in Macinkac. This is a beautiful spot in the midst of the foothills which are [page 3] quite as fascinating as the White Mountains themselves to which we occasionally motor. Dr Gehring seems to me a very intelligent physician of the German cast of mind, & has none of the phrases of the faddist. Mary does not always respond properly to his suggestive treatments but she does sometimes and is at any rate responding to the regimen and his medical care. Sister [Maude] is [page 4] the star patient thus far and is a pleasure to behold. Please give my affectionate greetings to the two remaining Hamiltons and believe always Dear Sister yours affectionately
Jane Addams
Aug 7" 1910