June 4, 1923.
Dear Mr. Conner:
With the approach of hot weather kind-hearted people must instinctively remember the tired mothers who must stay all summer in stifling tenements and the thousands of little children who will live on the hot pavements and dusty streets unless some special provision is made for them.
Hull-House owns seventy-two acres of beautifully wooded land near the lake at Waukegan, Illinois. On this land are comfortable buildings, a swimming pool and large playgrounds. There are deep ravines filled with wild flowers while a large garden supplies an abundance of fresh vegetables. The transportation of the children is given free by the Northwestern Railroad but we must depend upon the contributions of our friends to provide money for food and supervision.
This year we venture to ask your support for even a larger program. However generous friends may be in giving funds for taking the more delicate children to the country there are many more who must remain at home. They are quite as eager to go as if they were a little paler and sicklier. We hope to make the summer outing plan include these children. We want to keep the Boys' Club open and use it as a post of departure for day excursions and hiking parties; to use our athletic field to the limit of its capacity and provide healthful recreation for the boys and girls of the neighborhood.
We shall be very grateful for your contribution. Checks should be made payable to the Hull-House Association and sent to 800 South Halsted Street.
Very sincerely yours,
Jane Addams [signed by secretary]