Amy Woods to Jane Addams, October 25, 1923


October 25, 1923.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am disappointed that Miss Rankin cannot come as our field secretary. Have you anyone else in mind who could do this work? I feel that it is one of the most essential things for us to start at once, if we are to increase our work and our budget.

Miss Elizabeth Freeman's name has been given me as possibly able to do this work. She writes that she has been connected with Peace movements since the first, and that you know of her. Do you feel that she would be the right person for this place?

I shall be glad to bring out the list of names of contributors, and to plan with you if possible for our present financial needs. I expect to arrive in Chicago about November 1st.

Miss Balch writes that [Manley] Hudson is rather doubtful about whether the League would consider changing the covenant now for the sake of including the United States. We apparently have lost that opportunity.


National Secretary.

Item Relations