Susan Hostetter Mackay to Jane Addams, July 1, 1923


Dear Cousin Jane,

The newspapers tell us you are to have an operation soon and in far away Japan. We are thinking of you often and wishing and hoping that it may not be serious and that you will be well soon and home again. I rang up [page 2] Hull House when I was in the city a few weeks ago but no one could give me your address. Sister Sarah has just been through a [serious?] operation -- a six pound fibroid tumor and the gall bladder removed. For a week we [were] [page 3] in great anxiety but now on the fourth week she is able to sit up, [though] very weak & feeble. She is at the Chi. [Mem.?] Hospital under the care of Dr. [Kohler?].  

Our Sarah is home with her three children who make a joy out of life in spite of anxiety and [illegible] [and] [illegible] & [illegible] [as badly?] [page 4] as ever. Our Catherine is in better health than last year and her two children well & dear. Trusting that you have good care & comfort that kindest remembrance to Miss Smith and much love and good wishes for you --

Ever yours --

Susan Hostetter Mackay

July 1st 1923