Geneva, Sept. 5th
Dear Miss Addams,
We were so happy here to hear from you through your letter to Miss Balch which arrived here [today]. I opened it, Miss Balch being in America, as I thought there might be something for the office in it, and I sent it to her this moment. It was quite a relief to hear that you have left [Tokyo] on August 23rd, as we had heard already through Miss Smith’s letter, because of the dreadful cataclysm which has happened to Japan.
A fortnight ago, we got a letter from Miss Tomi Wada, who sent reports of the reception which was given to you in Japan and very pretty photos. I had great pleasure to show them to our pupils in the Fellowship School, on an evening we had visitors and under them an American lady from Boston, whose name I have forgotten, but who knows you and has been in school with Miss Balch. We, Miss Thomas and I, are reading sometimes to the [page2] children out of your book, "Twenty years work in Hull House" and they know you.
The Assembly of L. of N. opened this week, and we have the house full of visitors. [Today] Mrs. Ragaz and Miss Honegger arrived for the Assembly. We are arranging a reception in honor of the women in the Assembly, on Sept. 16th. Then Vilma Glücklich, Frau Hertzka and other members of the League will be here, I hope. I was to come once a week to attend the business of the office [written in bottom margin] ↑during the absence of Vilma Glücklich↓ but this week I felt I had to stay here and I tried to reach Lord Robert Cecil to express the desire of the W.I.L. that the League of Nations might intervene in the conflict between Italy and Greece. I send you a copy of the address to Lord Robert Cecil. I had before that telegraphed to Dresden, to ask the [authorization] of the Committee and I got the answer yesterday that I could act in the way I had cabled. I have seen Miss Forchhammer for that and she gave me good [advice].
We have had, last months two very good meetings here. One of the members of the Fellowship of New Education who [had] their congress in Montreux [page 3] and came to Geneva, one with the members of the Summer School of the Geneva University. For this we were about hundred and [four?] young people spoke about the youth movement in their respective countries: a Frenchman, a German, and American, a Swiss.
We have not any news from the Summer School Podebrady.
From Dresden, only a card [today] from V. Glücklich not giving any news of the Committee meetings.
I hope this will find you in good health, after the shake you had in Japan. Please write soon that you safely reached home, with Miss Smith and Miss Hamilton.
Yours affectionately
Marguerite Gobat