The American Magazine
Phillips Publishing Company
341 Fifth Avenue
New York
April 8th, 1910.
Miss Jane Addams,The Homestead Hotel,
Hot Springs, Va.
My dear Miss Addams:
I meant to have added to my note of yesterday that I very sincerely desire to have more of your writing in the magazine next year. Any address you make I feel sure might well be adapted for magazine publication. I believe that to reach the wide audience such as we have is for the benefit of those things in which you are so much interested.
As an editor, I have the utmost appreciation of the quality of your writing and of your personal attitude toward the presentation of it, even though as a publisher, trying in a few words to give the general reader an idea of its importance, I made use of logographs suited to his mind.
Faithfully yours,
John S. Phillips [signed]