Jane Addams to Amy Woods, December 5, 1923


My dear Miss [Woods];

I am quite enthusiastic over the material in your letter this morning, I think the historic convictions of the W.I.L. are of real value from several points of view. As Mrs. Fuldheim is going to New York on her own, I think that I could send you at least $200, from the $1000 allocated to this Congress. Mrs. [Trimble] had as you know $500 the printing of the circulars and cards with some new ↑stationery↓ (of which I will send you a sample that you may have more if you want it) will come to almost $200 more, but of course all the balance could go into international printing.

I think that each national member should have the circular announcing the Congress as soon as possible, they hear about from the outside and feel left out.

I am [enclosing] two letters I have just written, please keep them in you files that we may not contradict [each other], I am sure that we must begin on the program if only for [advertising] purposes, and that the Europeans will see the emergency. If we could get Brailsford or Lowes [Dickinson] for the summer school we could begin to flourish names.

I am sure the matter with Mrs. Spencer is all right. She told me when she was here that the plan seemed foolish to her but I thought she had been converted, she is really so nice that she is sure to understand at last.

Please excuse my bad typewriting and believe me affectionately yours

Jane Addams [signed]

Hull-House Chicago
Dec 5th 1923