Jane Addams to Julia Clifford Lathrop, May 13, 1923



Nanking, May 13" 1923

My dear J. Lathrop --

Mrs Bowen has been writing about the low state of H.H. finances and I am so sorry that you have been worried about them.

Apparently the Jan'y [coupons] paid the Dec bills and if we have $1500.00 [which?] in Jany & Feby it still meant that $1000 had been paid on the year's deficit. I will take hold of a more [rigorous] budget in Sept. but please don't worry about it in the midst of other difficulties which I fear have arisen. You would be delighted with the work a Dr Appleton (an American woman) is doing in Child Health standards in China, she has been very much inspired by the Children's Bureau publications.

We found ourselves in the midst of a child labor fight carried on by the many women's organizations in Shanghai, in the textiles & a match factory [which?] we visited little [bits] of children are at work.

We are quite enjoying this old capital & leave [tomorrow] for [Peking] over the road so lately held up by the bandits. We are assured however that all danger is over [though?]. We are planning three weeks in [Peking], [although] we have given up going into the interior owing to unsettled conditions. You doubtless know this town full of schools & missions. Dr Dewey's letters brought us a lunch [illegible] the State University yesterday. It was all Chinese & great fun.

Mary sends her love as, does yours devotedly Jane Addams.