William Matthew Stuart to Jane Addams, March 28, 1922

The Authors’ Clipping Bureau
553-555 Munsey Building

Washington, D.C. March 28, 1922.

DEAR Madam:

We respectfully solicit your order for clippings of reviews of your book,

“Peace and Bread in [Time] of War”

And personal mention of yourself, from American newspapers and magazines. For many years we have made a specialty of supplying book reviews and personal notices to authors, and our subscribers say that our service is the best of the kind that they have ever seen. We are sending clippings now to most of the leading authors in the United States and England.

We read about [6,000?] different newspapers and between 700 and 800 weekly and monthly periodicals and magazines. From these our Readers will gather for you all the important mentions of yourself or of your literary work, including the scattered notices, editorials, and news items, which an author depending on the courtesy of his publishers cannot hope to see, and which he cannot possibly gather for himself.

We give particular attention to sending out clippings in neat and attractive form, free from blue pencil marks and other disfigurements, and each clipping is accurately credited with the name and date of the publication from which it was taken.

We charge for our book review and personal service at the rate of six cents a clipping, an advance deposit of six dollars to be made with the order, to pay for the first hundred clippings.

Our record since 1888 is a guarantee of prompt and faithful service and honorable treatment of subscribers.

Hoping to receive your order, we are,

Yours respectfully,

WILLIAM M. STUART, Manager. [page 2]


Enclosed find six dollars, for which send me clippings relating to the book [two blank lines] at the terms of your circular dated [blank line] and continue the service until further orders.

It is understood that this remittance will pay for clippings without time limit, until one hundred have been sent.

Address: [two blank lines]

To the Authors' Clipping Bureau
553-555 Munsey Building, Washington D.C.

Item Relations


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